
Dark souls 2 save editor ps3
Dark souls 2 save editor ps3

dark souls 2 save editor ps3 dark souls 2 save editor ps3

There will be a folder that is a long serries of numbers, this coresponds to your steam id. There will be a folder here called 'DarkSoulsII', inside said folder there may be a few files, 'GraphicsConfig.xml' if you have dark souls II, and GraphicsConfig_SOFS.xml if you have Scholar Of the First Sin.

dark souls 2 save editor ps3

This will likely open your appdata/Roaming folder. Windows 8 people, don't be idiotsm you can find it too. Easiest way to find it is %appdata% in the search bar that appears after you activate your windows button.

Dark souls 2 save editor ps3